Today we celebrate the release of WINTER SOLSTICE: GETTING A SECOND CHANCE AT LOVE!
Sometimes, when life takes us in unexpected or unwanted directions, we hope for a second chance. Dive into this mesmerizing selection of stories that feature second chances at love or life. From drama and suspense to passion and love, get ready for multiple journeys that will satisfy the romance lover in you. From 7 best-selling romance authors who also brought you the Summer Solstice collection, enjoy these heartwarming stories while the cold days of winter set in.
Moon Shine- Sylvie Grayson
Complicated Christmas- USA TODAY Bestselling author Nikki Lynn Barrett
Behind the Bar- PC Zick
Ophelia- Jude Ouvrard
Lilah By Midnight- Carra Copelin
The Sound Of Betrayal- Susan Ann Wall
Retribution- JL Campbell

Sylvie Grayson loves to write about suspense, romance and attempted murder, in both contemporary and science fiction/fantasy. She has lived most of her life in British Columbia, Canada in spots ranging from Vancouver Island on the west coast to the North Peace River country and the Kootenays in the beautiful interior. She spent a one year sojourn in Tokyo Japan.
She has been an English language instructor, a nightclub manager, an auto shop bookkeeper and a lawyer. Now she works part time as the owner of a small company, and writes when she finds the time.
She is a wife and mother and still loves to travel, having recently completed a trip to Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam and Hong Kong. She lives on the coast of the Pacific Ocean with her husband on a small patch of land near the sea that they call home.